OnlineBirdy offers a 99.9% Uptime Guarantee. That means your web server is guaranteed operational 99.9% of the time in any calendar month. OnlineBirdy guarantee 99.9% service uptime allows for 45 minutes of unscheduled (HTTP) service outage per month as defined here. For each additional 45 minutes of downtime you will receive 10% credit or refund. Regardless of the number of outages, all refunds are limited to one month's hosting service fees and do not include excess usage fees or other nonstandard recurring charges. The amount of the credits are determined by the following table, based on the amount of server uptime for the month in which credits are requested.
99.9 - 100% | 0% credit |
99.7 - 99.8% | 10% credit = 3 days |
99.5 - 99.6% | 25% credit = 8 days |
99.3 - 99.4% | 50% credit = 15 days |
99.0 - 99.2% | 75% credit = 23 days |
98.9% and below | 100% credit = 1 month |
OnlineBirdy will not be held responsible for Service Outages resulting from
operated equipment including, but not limited to, Internet NAP failures,
upstream network outages or congestion and backbone failures. Additionally, OnlineBirdy will
not be held responsible for delays in the registration or transfer of a domain due to
InterNIC-related issues, unscheduled outages, web site specific outrages and outages resulting from
malfunctioning customer scripts or applications that are installed by the customer, or for unusual
traffic spikes or "denial of service" attacks on customer web sites.
Hybrid services,
colocation services or renting out rack space, cloud servers, services under bare metal environment
such as dedicated servers and virtual private services does not qualify for any credit under this
server uptime guarantee.
Refunds will be issued upon request by the customer and upon determination that a service
outage, as defined by this guarantee, has occurred. To be eligible for a refund, the refund request
must be made to the Billing Department at the end of the month for the current month (last day of
the current month) or within the 1st week of the month for the previous month.